List of neighborhoods of the District of Columbia by ward

The District of Columbia is divided into 8 wards
The neighborhoods of Washington DC.

The District of Columbia is divided into eight wards and 37 Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) within these wards. Neighborhood names and boundaries are not officially defined. They may vary over time due to changes in local infrastructure or population.


Ward 1

(Ward 1 Councilmember: Jim Graham.)

Ward 2

(Ward 2 Councilmember: Jack Evans.)

Ward 3

(Ward 3 Councilmember: Mary Cheh.)

Ward 4

(Ward 4 Councilmember: Muriel Bowser.)

Ward 5

(Ward 5 Councilmember: Harry Thomas, Jr.)

Ward 6

(Ward 6 Councilmember: Tommy Wells)

Ward 7

(Ward 7 Councilmember: Yvette Alexander)

Ward 8

(Ward 8 Councilmember: Marion S. Barry, Jr.)

External links